Wednesday 20 October 2010


Drawn Draft (1st)

(image to be inserted)

Publisher Draft (2nd)

Photoshop Copy (3rd Draft & Final)

Image to go on contents page.

Contents page image.. not using
First Idea

I have chosen to use this image because it shows a big part of Wyke. Advertising it, and also making students when they look at the contents page remember that Guidance is there when and if they need it. 

I have also carried on the colour scheme so that it is consistent, and it looks professional. I have also used the same font as the front cover. 

I will have the front cover headline alongside the page numbers, this is because I am placing the text in the same style as the cover, down the side of the image. 

On the word 'Content' I have used a tool on photoshop to create an outline so the masthead stands out on the page. I have also done this on the cover on the masthead 'WCCM wyke college community mag' and also 'Autumn 2010'. When I have done this, I have used the grey/white colour that i used in one of the blocks of the background.

This is my final Contents Page.

Final Edited Contents Page

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