Sunday, 24 October 2010


     I think that my final front cover and contents page was a success. As I had a consistent colour scheme of lime green, purple and light grey, throughout. I used the same font one the front and the contents page, the text I wanted to stand out more, I used the layer effect ‘stroke’ which puts a thicker edge around the main text, for this is used the light grey around the purple writing on the lime green background.
     I placed my image on the front cover at the left hand side because I wanted to place the text alongside the image. I took the pictures using a digital camera and I captured the picture in the library of Wyke College. The image on the contents page was taken in the reception area in front of guidance, as this is a big part of the college. I found editing my images okay, as they both had a solid edge so I used a tool on photoshop that goes along the edges of the image so you can edit or delete the unwanted background.
     My reasoning for calling the magazine ‘WCCM’ is that it stands for Wyke College Community Magazine and at Wyke the staff and students are like a community in itself. Also the intention of the magazine is to inform students and staff of what is going on within the college, which is almost like city newspapers e.g. Hull Daily Mail, as they update the city people of what is going on where they live.
     The headlines I have written on the front cover are about what is going on within the college in the next year. I wrote them short and snappy so people reading it understand it, and also so there wasn’t too much text.
     Overall, I think that my front cover and contents page is a good effort, and I am pleased with the outcome. However, if I were to do it again, I would plan it a lot better and thought about how the layout and contents could be used more effectively, I would use a few more images on the contents page, and a bigger variety of text fonts and colours. Perhaps the background was slightly too bold, however I would only change the colours not the actual style. 

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